Thursday, December 31, 2009

Here you can see a graphical representation of the results of the first Academic Vocabulary Quiz. Six students made it to and beyond passing grade seven. Nine students, unfortunately, scored below seven.
The results show that not all of B7 students did their Blog homework. Hopefully students will realize that when they post, they will also want to see what their classmates blogged and that is what makes them eventually remember the words. Got it?
Dear B7, see you next year!
You have been a very nice class so far. Continue Like that!

Where Every Day Is Christmas

ex⋅ec⋅u⋅tive[ig-zek-yuh-tiv] :a person or group of persons having administrative or supervisory authority in an organization.


recession[ri-sesh-uhn] :the act of receding or withdrawing.


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Time-- one of the great mysteries of our universe

gathered:to come together and form a group or to make people do this

example:A crowd gathered to watch the fight

device:a machine or tool that does a special job

example:A device for separating metal from garbage

Bringing Light to Homes in Poor Countries

Main idea : More than one and a half billion people around the world live without electricity.

delay  /dɪˈleɪ/ : to put off to a later time; defer; postpone

The pilot delayed the flight until the weather cleared.

costly /ˈkɔstli, ˈkɒst-/ : expensive; high in price

it is costly for you.

Words and Their Stories: I Feel Very Blue

soulful/ sohl-fuhl / of or expressive of deep feeling or emotion

Blues music is very soulful.

envey /
en-vee / a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another's advantages, success, possessions, etc.

Her intelligence made her the envy of her classmates.

main idea: Colours show our expressions and our emotions.

Short Story: 'The Purloined Letter' by Edgar Allan Poe

pub-li-ca-tion [puhb-li-key-shuhn]

the act of publishing a book, periodical, map, piece of music, engraving, or the like

Example: It was reprinted in many publications.

per-mit [v. per-mit]

to allow to be done or occur

Example: The law does not permit the sale of such drugs.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Want to Stay Warm in Winter? Think COLD

vessel  /ˈvɛsəl/an airship.
wrist  /rɪst/the carpus or lower part of the forearm where it joins the hand.
about freezing weather people wear cold weather clothes and how we are warm?...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

lightweight: light in weight
ex: this is a lightweight matter

remove: to move from a place or position
ex: in 2000, I removed from istanbul to izmir.

zeynep ş. b7

Want to Stay Warm in Winter? Think COLD

permanent [pur-muh-nuhnt]:existing perpetually; everlasting, esp. without significant change.

Synonyms: stable, invariable, constant.
Antonyms:temporary; inconstant.

vessel/ˈvɛsəl/ :a craft for traveling on water, now usually one larger than an ordinary rowboat; a ship or boat.

Educational Technology: Not Just Computers

dyspraxia[dis-prak-see-uh]:inability to perform coordinated movements.

ex:She has developmental dyspraxia.

assistive[uh-sist]:to give support or aid to; help: Please assist him in moving the furniture.
1. sustain, abet, befriend; back, promote. See help.
1. hinder, frustrate.

ex:Assistive materails are very important for children.

Main idea:Cosmobot is a therapy robot and it helps children who have developmental dyspraxia.Cosmobot can have a big effect on their behavior, helping them work harder and longer in therapy sessions.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Study Shows Loneliness Can Be Infectious

pregnancy  /ˈprɛgnənsi/the state, condition, or quality of being pregnant.
cleft  /klɛft/a space or opening made by cleavage; a split.

Main idea:"birth" how are we growing and how do mother's pregnancy migrate?

Study Shows Loneliness Can Be Infectious


Sunday, December 20, 2009

re-ceive [ri-seev] verb

to take into one's possession (something offered or delivered)

example: They received a good education.

[kuh-mit-muhnt] noun
a pledge or promise; obligation

example: We have made a commitment to pay our bills on time.

"Oppression" /əˈprɛʃən/ - (noun)

Definition : the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner.

Synonyms : tyranny, despotism, persecution.

Antonyms : kindness, justice.

Sentence : The oppressive rules of the government caused thousands of innocent people to suffer.


"Immigrant" /ˈɪmɪgrənt/ - (noun)

Definition : a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence.

Synonyms : foreigner, newcomer.

Sentence : A new wave of immigrants from the Middle East.

restrict /rɪˈstrɪkt/ to confine or keep within limits, as of space, action, choice, intensity, or quantity.

The agreement wil restrict competition

prevent /prɪˈvɛnt/ to stop something from happening,or stop someone from doing something.

They were prevented from entering the site

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Words and Their Stories: If a Student's Grades Hit Bottom, It Is Time to Hit the Books

hay/hey/ grass, clover, alfalfa, etc., cut and dried for use as forage.

It is time to hit hay.

ceiling/see-ling/the top limit imposed by law on the amount of money that can be charged or spent or the quantity of goods that can be produced or sold.

The father or mother may hit the ceiling when they see the low grades.
increase[v. in-krees;n. in-krees ]

to become greater, as in number, size, strength, or quality

Example: Sales of automobiles increased last year.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Aiming for a Deal on Climate Change

Climate/ˈklaɪmɪt/ weather conditions of a region throughout the year, averaged over a series of years.

The world climate has changed due to global warming.

Delegates /n. ˈdɛlɪgɪt, -ˌgeɪt/ a person that represents someone or an institution; deputy; representative, as in a political convention.

Delegates from Fatih University attended the climate conference in Copenhagen. They represented the university.